A short introduction of our family, for you to read who we are and how we life together with our Great Danes.

We, Harm and Linda, learned to know each other in 1982. Both 16 years old and heavenly in love. After we married in 1989 we got three Sons in the following 6 years. Normal growing up boys, old enough to handle there own daily things. In the first years we lived in a rented house and in 1997 we bought 't Brökske. For Linda this was homecoming, because she was born and raised in this house.

Linda and Harm both were used to have Dogs around them since there childhood. In 2000 Linda made here biggest wish come true. In the Holidays Linda worked in a Pension when she was 13 years old. There she had here first close encounter with a Great Dane. Love on first sight, this website shows were we are now.

We are the first inhabitants in allmost 300 years who do not use 't Brökske as farmhouse. But the name remains in our Kennel name since 2008. Linda is back home and here wish comes true. The love for her Danes is indefinite, and the next step is start breeding Great Danes. Offcourse we have a lot of work with three growing up teenagers but all together we have find the perfect mix with our family and the Danes.

Linda loves to take the Danes for a walk, playing with them in the meadow, and visiting shows. Only problem is that she does not want to expose the Danes hereself. She is to nervous and the Dogs are very sensitive and perform very bad. So the perfect combination is found, Harm wil show and Linda is standing aside. The Danes wil search for here and because of that they show as supposed. Linda also loves driving in here Volkswagen Beetle from 1973. Only problem is that not one of the Danes fit and therefor never drive with Linda in her Beetle.

Harm is also infected with the Great Danes Virus. He drives to Shows, he expose the Danes and builds this website. He drives an old Chevrolet Blazer from 1979 and grounded a forum for Chevytrucks lovers. He organizes meetings with Chevytrucks and hopes to restore his Blazer to old glory. In the meantime he uses the Blazer as a dailydriver.

Bram is the oldest Son and Studies for Internet Detective. Besides he has one hobby who consumes a lot of his time. FIREWORKS, it starts in October, he collects everything what looks, smells or sounds like fireworks. He also has collections of Firework Dummies and there is no empty space to find on his bedroom. Bram has his Driverslicence and loves to drive but he doesn't have his own car. He often uses the Blazer. But only on open road because he thinks the car is to big for the City centre. He loves the Dogs but is not interested in Shows or other related things. Take them for a short walk is no problem.

Luc is the second born Son. He is on High School and does not really know what kind of study he wants to do. A job which earns a lot of money and a minimum of effort. He likes to play online games like World of Warcraft, talking with friend on MSN and he loves to play Football. He is vain and every morning there is a discussion at the door of the Bathroom. In common he is very easy going, a real Dude. The Danes love to be with him because of that. He drives since a few months a Motor-Scooter and is visiting friends because of his flexible mobility. He also takes care of the Cats and they are often with him in his bedroom. He sometimes visit's shows but most of all he likes to play Football with the Danes.

Sjors is the latest Son. He claims the same rights as his older brothers and that gives a lot of Discussion. Sjors is always busy, mostly with things we told him not to do. Every day we find things he destroyed because he is convinced he knows how it works. He wants to learn and he is not a thinker but more practically oriented. But someday, we have hope, there will be a change and instead of destroying thinks he will repair them. He loves to go to shows and is always very concerned with everything around the Great Danes. He biggest hobby is racing with his Quad and helping with the restauration of the Chevrolet Blazer.

Thea is Linda's Mother. She lives since 1961 at 't Brökske and still has here own part of the House. Linda, her younger brother and older sister are all born here. Thea and here husband both runned the Farm untill the dead of Linda's father in 1990. She thinks it is a lot of work next to our jobs to handle the Danes. But the character of the Great Dane has convinced here and she allways tells to everybody who wants to hear, that there were always Dogs at 't Brökske but not any of them had the great character of the Great Dane.